Multi classic slate tiles would liven up the environment like a dream

Many shades such as reds and grays, blacks and creams combine to bring you the fabulous naturally occurring slate all the way from Eastern India, land of mysteries. The durability of natural stone can be well imagined to serve indoor and outdoor applications perfectly well to serve under whatever climatic conditions. Besides, they are quite reasonably priced, and large quantities could be installed across walls and floors, confident in the future. Perhaps you know Multi classic slate by several other names like Peacock slate or Raja slate, Raja Classic too, names associated with the Indian origin, land of kings and peacocks. The varieties of Multi classic Tumbled and gauged with all the vibrant colors would steal your heart. Walls and floors would come alive as if under a magic touch. Resplendent natural colors bring happiness all around besides a natural dynamic energy for creativity and productivity under its benign influence. The Versailles Pattern and the Split face ...