Honed Marble vs. Polished Marble: Definition and Application

After the work of selecting the right stone for the flooring is done one thing that must be checked is the condition of the stone. For the stones like granite and marble, there are two categories of stone finishes, namely the smooth and the honed ones. The meaning of the word honed is rough. The honed stones are referred to that category of stones where the surface of the stones is especially grounded. The surface of the stone is made a bit rough and the friction of the same is increased. The surface thus becomes flat and gains more consistency than the polished ones. The stones like the granite and marble have a natural luster and shine. The honing removes the same and renders a matte fashion. There are almost no reflection and bumps or ridges for the hones marble. The honed finish is especially preferable for the places of common friction like bathrooms, staircases. The honing can withstand the foot traffic to a considerable extent and thus they are used more in t...